Human & Nature in Harmony
is created by the Institute of Environment and Development (IED),a Chinese NGO in Beijing.
It is designed as an information resource and also a knowledge system about China's environment and development and development issues.
We collect the information from officially published media in China, aiming to enhance the public awareness in this challenging area and
provide the interested people and groups with the solutions to the environment problems in this country.
Environment Informations is categorized
into 30 fields, being laid out as an index table
in the first page. They are sub-categorized into over 120 subjects,
covering all the major aspects of environment and development. It is supported by database
equipped with full search functions.
EnviroQuality gives the weekly,
daily or 10-day reports of air and water situation in major Chinese cities.
In addition, the built-in analytical tools enable you to conduct analysis on time or
across locations.
Focus follows the whole processes of
the important environment events in China no matter how complicated they are or
how long they last in the time span.
Legislation provides the full texts of the
legal documents, regulations and standards concerning or relevant to the environment and
development issues. It is categorized according to the legal effects of the documents.
Each legal item is also linked to the environment information, to provide the context within
which problem solutions are embedded.
Organization not only give the information about
the different types of environment organizations, but also present a structure of the Chinese
environment management system. When needed, some organizations are linked with the environment
information to give the context of the problem solutions including the information of the
international organizations stationed here in China.
Research, jointly created with
Journal of Natural Resources, provides audience with the cutting-edge
research reports written by the both Chinese and international scholars. Collaboration
will be expanded to report more of the academic progress achieved in the fields of
environment and development.
Technology features the information of the technologies.
The content in this section is linked to the environment information as one aspect of the
problem solution. Registration corner welcomes entrepreneurs and technology to publish
their information here.
WebLinks collect all the environment-related URL
in China, to provide users with an easy access to the relevant information of the problem
in their concern.
People is a column containing the information of the individuals who have made the
influence on the Chinese society through their efforts to improve China's environment quality
and promote the environment protection activities.
The column of Environment Dynamics forwards
to Internet users the environment news published daily by the newspapers
or news agencies of the Chinese Central Government or provincial
government. The dated news all goes into the database for users
to retrieve.
Human & Nature in Harmony has both Chinese and English version. While the Chinese provides
the full text of information, the English gives an abstract to each piece of content so as to
give our international users general pictures and clues for further understanding when it is needed.
The predecessor of the Human &
Nature in Harmony is Information of Environment and
Development (
published in 1997. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
LEAD International who has provided its kind financial support to
make the development of this important information resource possible.
We also owe our gratitude to the Chinese and international experts
whose knowledge in both content and techniques laid a solid foundation
for this site. Human & Nature in
Harmony would never be able to meet our broad audience
without sources of information, which include all the major official
newspapers and news agencies in China. Our eternal appreciation
goes to millions of web audience like you. Your valuable presence,
comments and suggestions are the most powerful motivation behind
us. "Contact us"
Human & Nature in Harmony The New Century Version Change Log: |
- New columns: Organization, WebLinks and People;
- Deleted columns:
- The on-load popup window was replaced by a new section: What's New on the Home Page;
- Now nearly all columns are searchable;
- Under earch sub-categoried Environment Informations (e.g. Agriculture) Can now browse and search relevant laws, researched, organizations & weblinks;
- Except for WebLinks, every column has Links On... section listing relevant sections on other sites.
Human & Nature in Harmony Technical Information: |
- Three-site Mirroring:
- All pages have been specially designed to be compatiable with IE4, IE5, Netscape 4 and Netscape 6 and partial functional with IE3 and Netscape 3;
- Fonts optimized for browsing on MacOS and X-Window besides various Windows platforms;
- All pages are Quasi-static. Ideal for search engines to index.
- This site is Frame, Cookie and Java free but Javascript heavy;