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Biodiversity spatial characteristics and GAP
analysis in QingHai lake region

Li Diqiang¡¡Jiang Zhigang¡¡Wang Zuwang

Li Diqiang
(Institute of Forest Environment and Protection, CAF, Beijing 100091)
Jiang Zhigang¡¡Wang Zuwang
(Institute of Zoology, CAS, Beijing 100080)

Abstract: First, the Qinghai Lake region eco-environment information system was established based on field surveys and historical documentation. Then, proposed an ecosystem classification system composing of Qinghai Lake and wetland ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, desert shrubland system, alpine shrubland ecosystem, alpine meadow ecosystem, alpine desert ecosystem, and artificial ecosystem was proposed. The spatial characteristics of biodiversity in Qinghai Lake region was studied and the gap was identified based on principles of representativeness, peculiarity, endangerment and sensitivity. Overlaying the hotspots of biodiversity with the status of legal protection by means of GIS technique, the GAP analysis showed although the Qinghai Lake National Reserve was established, yet the typical ecosystem types and the most suitable habitat of the national protection species¡ªPrzewakski's gazelle were excluded in the reserve. Therefore, a new reserve zoning scheme and conservative strategies for maintaining biodiversity of Qinghai Lake region were put forward.

Keywords: Qinghai Lake region, biodiversity conservation, GAP analysis

In other subjects: Biodiversity
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