Job Announcement
Project Chief Technical Advisor (CTA)

¡¡¡¡Project: DJI/97/004--PROMOTION DU GENRE

¡¡¡¡Title: Project Chief Technical Advisor (CTA)

¡¡¡¡Duration: 12 Months, beginning approximately 1 October 2000

¡¡¡¡Duty Station: Djibouti,DJIBOUTI

¡¡¡¡Closing date: 10 September 2000


¡¡¡¡The aim of the project is to assist the newly created Direction pour la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille (DPFF) to become fully operational as the Government's focal point for the integration of the special needs of women and children into the nation's overall development activities, with particular emphasis on the key sectors of health and education. By design, the DPFF is a small, streamlined agency that should coordinate and lead other private and public sector actors -- especially the ministries of health, education, and finance -- to design, implement, and monitor innovative programmes to achieve its ends. In order to do so, the DPFF must establish a transparent system for channeling and monitoring external resources.

¡¡¡¡The project has a duration of one year and is focussed on assisting the DPFF in the following tasks:

¡¡¡¡--institutional capacity building, focussing on building institutional linkages with key ministries, developing a system for gender-based data collection and analysis, and training

¡¡¡¡--preparation of a National Strategy and Plan of Action for achieving the goals articulated by the Beijing Conference

¡¡¡¡--thorough review of the country's legal framework as it affects women

¡¡¡¡--development and implementation of innovative social services programmes targeted at women's specific needs (especially in the sectors of health, literacy and training, and advocacy activities)

¡¡¡¡--establishing links with women's NGOs and other grassroots organizations to build upon their expertise and experience and to expand their capacities to deliver important social services at the local level



¡¡¡¡While the CTA will assist the DPFF in all areas covered by the project, the CTA's responsibilities will be especially concentrated as follows:

¡¡¡¡(1)Institutional Capacity Building

¡¡¡¡--identifying training needs, developing a plan to meet those needs, and assisting to plan and organize two or three key local training programmes

¡¡¡¡--assisting the DPFF to establish institutionalized linkages (working committees, ad hoc committees, etc) with other actors (especially relevant ministries), for data collection and analysis, policy review, programme implementation, etc.

¡¡¡¡--preparation of periodic reports, including one progress report and one PPER or equivalent for this project, as required.


¡¡¡¡(2)Preparation of National Strategy and Plan of Action

¡¡¡¡--advise the DPFF on the background information and data necessary for this task and possible sources, and assist the DPFF to coordinate and lead the relevant committees and/or working groups to collect it

¡¡¡¡--act as substantive advisor on at least one of the main sectors covered by the report (i.e. health and education)

¡¡¡¡--while the overall responsibility for the report lies with the DPFF, the CTA will assist in drafting and finalizing the report, as required


¡¡¡¡(3)Pilot Projects/Activities

¡¡¡¡--assist the DPFF to establish institutional linkages with NGOs and other grassroots organizations providing support to women, especially in the delivery of social services

¡¡¡¡--establish a system whereby local initiatives can receive the assistance of the DPFF to further refine or expand their programmes by providing the necessary technical support and/or identifying and securing external financing.

¡¡¡¡--establish a project monitoring system to assess the effectiveness of the pilot projects and to serve as the basis for donor reporting.


Institutional Setting:

¡¡¡¡The CTA will work closely with the National Project Manager, under the overall direction of the Director of the DPFF. The CTA reports to UNOPS, through the UNDP Resident Representative.



¡¡¡¡The successful candidate must have a recognized university degree in education or health, with a minimum of 10 years experience, at least half of which should have focussed on programmes specifically targeting women. Experience in managing UN projects is desirable. Fluent French and/or Somali is required.

¡¡¡¡Qualified candidates may submit an application, including a letter of interest, a complete Curriculum Vitae (UN guidelines to prepare the CV can be found at the following web address: http://www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/guidenew.htm), to the attention of Ms. Shafiqa Masood, UNOPS, 405 Lexington Avenue, 4th floor, New York, NY 100174, either by fax at 1-212-457-4045 or via e-mail at [email protected].

¡¡¡¡More information on UNOPS is available at http://www.unops.org/.

Please note:

¡¡¡¡--Only those candidates that are shortlisted will be notified.
