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IIE Job Vacancy Announcement

  The Institute of International Education (IIE) is the world's most experienced global higher education and professional exchange agency. It provides training and leadership development programs for public and private sector professionals around the world. The IIE Beijing Office is currently seeking applications for the following position:

  Title: Program Officer, International Fellowships Program

  Reports to: Director, IIE Beijing Office

  Background: IIE administers the International Fellowships Program (IFP) for the Ford Foundation in China. This is an annual scholarship competition, designed to provide opportunities for advanced degree study to exceptional people ("IFP Fellows") who will use this education to become leaders in their fields, furthering development in China and greater economic and social justice worldwide. The program actively seeks applications from social groups and communities that lack systematic access to higher education.

  Major Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • Designing and implementing an annual application and selection cycle: advertising, collecting applications, administering the selection process, coordinating selection committees, preparing for selection and interview meetings
  • Overseeing in-country English language training programs for IFP Fellows: liaising with teachers and administrators, assessing the quality of language training programs, exploring alternative programs, negotiating appropriate terms of payment
  • Advising IFP Fellows prior to departure: conducting educational assessments of the Fellows (e.g. TOEFL tests, personal mission statements), counseling with them about educational goals, advising them about possible placement options and strategies, assisting with their communications with universities and IFP-related institutions
  • Assisting with grants management: preparing grant letters for Fellows, clarifying the program's rules and procedures for Fellows, tracking individual Fellows' expenses, assisting in preparation of budgets for Fellows during their grant period
  • Communicating wisely and effectively with all stakeholders about the program: the Fellows themselves, potential applicants, the Ford Foundation, IFP staff worldwide and in China, Chinese government institutions and ministries, and the broader public.
  •   The successful candidate will be assisted in these duties, as agreed, by the IIE Director and other IIE staff.


  • Ability to work effectively and responsibly with.wide range of people, individually and in teams.
  • Strong communications skills in both Chinese and English.
  • Excellent organizational skills and related experience.
  • Preference will be given to those with.Master's Degree or equivalent.
  • Personal experience in degree study programs in other countries will be an important asset.
  •   Period of appointment: Two years, to be extended by mutual agreement.

      How to apply: Please send.cover letter and resume via e-mail to the IIE Office [[email protected]].

      Applications will remain open until.suitable candidate is found.

      All candidates who apply prior to.July 2002 will be considered for the position.
