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- Basic Sciences, Gender and Science & Technology

   Job title: Consultant.Basic Sciences, Gender and Science & Technology

  Sub-area(s): Programme Implementation & Management

   Closing date for applications : till filled

   Starting date: April 15, 2002

   Duration of Contract:.months

   Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia

   Description of Responsibilities:

  Under the authority of the Director of UNESCO Jakarta Office, and in close cooperation with the Science Sector and other related management units at the Headquarters, the Gender Secretariat and other basic science programmes of the organization, Field Offices in the Asia and Pacific Region and working with other Programme Specialists of the Office as.team. the incumbent will:

  1. Lead, coordinate and manage basic science related programmes and activities in Asia and the Pacific Region and pursue and support North-South and South-South scientific exchange and cooperation among Member States through exchange of scientists, cooperative research schemes and study visits thereby promoting active participation of the countries in major programme activities in the field of Basic Science and Technology.

  2. Identify and implement:

  - regular programme activities in the Basic Sciences in Asia and the Pacific by (a) determining the needs and priorities of Member States in the Region; (b) drafting the relevant parts of C/4, C.5 and the workplans; and (c) monitoring, coordinating and supporting regional and sub-regional activities of regional networks, NGOs and professional associations.

  - UNESCO-ASEAN joint projects in Basic Sciences

  3. Identify, formulate and implement national and regional multi-disciplinary projects related to the promotion of the Basic Sciences and assist in mobilizing extra-budgetary funds and in particular to manage and be responsible for the programme implementation of UNESCO's role in the scientific research on natural products.

  4. Organize regional, sub-regional and national training courses, seminars, workshops and other short-term courses, expert meetings and consultations, as well as, foster the development of curricular and instructional materials, to promote research and higher education in the Basic Sciences, and strengthen and modernize university science education, in cooperation with regional networks, NGOs and professional associations, paying particular attention to the needs of LDCs in the region.

  5. Be responsible for all reporting and information dissemination for the Basic Science Programme, including (1) preparation of contributions to the Office's Annual Report, Homepage, Newsletters, brochures, C/3, documents for the Executive Board and the General Conference, Country Cooperation Profile, UNESCO Year Book, internal evaluation reports, comments and suggestions, etc.; (2) supporting publication and distribution of journals, bulletins and newsletters for the dissemination of scientific knowledge; and (3) organizing activities for the improvement of public awareness of science and technology.

  6. Act as focal point of UNESCO Jakarta Office on Women, Science and Technology by promoting and supporting the initiatives and participation of women in activities in science and technology and in particular monitoring and coordinating with the Regional Secretariat for Gender Science and Technology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

  7. Fullfill other related duties, according to the needs and requirements of the office and UNESCO Programmes, such as those of Officer-In-Charge, Certifying Officer, and Representative of the Organization in activities other than those directly relating to the post.

   Minimum Qualifications:

- PhD or equivalent in one of the basic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics)
- Minimum 10 yrs experience post-doctoral research and teaching experience
- Proven capacity to organize and carry out research and training (inernational experience essential)
- Mature experience in project formulation and implementation
- Demonstrated capability in team leadership
- Demonstrated ability to take initiative and senior responsibility
- Experience in working in developing countries
- Experience in working for an international scientific organization
- Knowledge of UN systems and UN led scientific programmes desirable
- Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint,etc)
- High level communication and personal skills
- Very good knowledge and writing ability in English
- Knowledge of.relevant Asian language an asset


  Fees shall be equivalent to.P4/1 level of the salary scale for Professional Staff assigned at the UNESCO Office in Jakarta.

   Contact Details:

  Most recent Curriculum Vitae accompanied by an application letter should be sent to:

The Administration Officer
2nd Flr. United Nations Building
Jl. Thamrin 14, Jakarta
PO Box 1273/JKT
Fax: (6221) 3150385/email: [email protected]

  We shall only respond to short-listed candidate and with whom the organization has an interest.
