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ICIMOD Vacancies Announcement

  The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), with headquarters in Kathmandu, was established in 1983 to address problems of economic and environmental development in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas (HKH): covering parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. ICIMOD is an independent organisation governed by.Board of Governors and funded by some 15 countries and donor organisations. Its mandatory activities are (i) Documentation and Information Exchange, (ii) Research, (iii) Training, and (iv) Advisory Services.

  Activities are implemented in close collaboration with partner institutions in the regional member countries. The Centre has 5 core thematic programmes:

  • Sustainable Livelihoods for Mountain Household;
  • Gender Balanced Mountain Development;
  • Sustainable Development of Mountain Commons;
  • Capacity Building of Mountain Development Organisation; and
  • Information and Outreach.
  • For the period 2003-2007, ICIMOD is preparing.new Strategic Plan which proposes to address: Mountain Natural Resources; Agriculture and Income Diversification; Water Resources and Hazard Management; Culture, Equity and Governance; Knowledge Management; and Policy and Institutional Development.

    ICIMOD is seeking to recruit qualified persons for the following vacant international and regional level positions for which applications are now invited. The common requirements for the positions are:

  • Post graduate degree in related field
  • Good writing, presentation and communication skills in English
  • Proven capabilities through publications and experience to take up the respective responsibilities
  • Willingness to travel frequently in the region and work harmoniously with persons of different nations and cultures
  • Computer literacy including knowledge of specific programmes
  • Work experience in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region
  • Capacity to support policy development on mountain issues.
  •   **Senior Ecologist

      10 years work experience in integrated natural resource management and research

      **Senior Environment.Resource Economist

      10 years work experience in economic development work focusing on promotion of income generating enterprises and activities

    **Agricultural Resources Policy Specialist

      8 years of work experience in sustainable agricultural systems'research

      **Coordinator, Community-Based Advocacy Strategies

      5 years of work experience in advocacy and capacity building of CBOs and/or NGOs

      **Programme.Project Development Specialist

      5 years of work experience in programme and project development preferably in a bilateral or multilateral funding agency,.granting agency, or international NGO

      **Public Relations.Media Officer

      3-5 years of work experience in PR, media environment and promotion of development activities

      **Web Management Specialist

      2-3 years of work experience in web work and searches

    Further information on the vacancies including Terms of Reference for the positions can be found at http://www.icimod.org OR requested from the address below.

    Personnel Officer,
    GPO Box 3226,
    Kathmandu, Nepal
    Tel: (00977-1) 525313;
    Fax: (00977-1) 524509.536747
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Current BGMS themes for MF review:

    1.Int'l and regional agreements and cooperation http://www.mtnforum.org/bgms/papera1.htm
    2.National policies and institutions http://www.mtnforum.org/bgms/papera2.htm
    3.Legal, economic, and compensation mechanisms http://www.mtnforum.org/bgms/paperb1.htm
