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Terms of Reference for Senior Gender Specialist
Division : Institutional Strengthening Unit

  ICIMOD is an independent organisation governed by a Board of Governors and funded by some 15 countries and donor organisations. Its mandatory activities are:

  (i) Documentation and Information Exchange,

  (ii) Research,

  (iii) Training, and

  (iv) Advisory Services.

  Activities are implemented in close collaboration with partner institutions in the regional member countries. The Centre has five core thematic programmes.

  • Sustainable Livelihoods for Mountain Household
  • Gender Balanced Mountain Development
  • Sustainable Development of Mountain Commons
  • Capacity Building of Mountain Development Organisations
  • Information and Outreach
  •   The Centre presently has 20 internationally recruited profes-sional staff and 19 national professional staff. The staff are members of various activity and project teams, and are currently organised in seven work divisions, for adminis-trative purposes. The Centre intends to fill in the following position. Detailed Terms of Reference (TOR)are available on the web at http://www.icimod.org/whats_new/vacancies/vac2001.2.htm.


      Senior Gender Specialist (re-advertisement)


      International Recruitment - Level 'P'

      Applicants should have 6 years' experience in gender and social issues' research; demonstrated managerial competence and a capacity for intellectual leadership.

      Requirements for all this position are as follow.

  • Post-graduate degree, preferably a Ph.D or equivalent, in social sciences
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate professionally in English and, preferably, a regional language.
  • Ability to prepare project proposals, progress reports, etc; skill in project planning, negotiation and assessment
  • Record of publications in related subjects.
  • Experience in managing/working with multidisciplinary teams, particularly with international/regional agencies; part of the work experience should preferably have been gained in the HKH region
  • Computer and Internet literate with knowledge of specific technical programmes
  • Demonstrated commitment to mountain peoples and environment.
  • Physically fit to undertake frequent travel to remote and difficult mountainous regions.
  •   ICIMOD encourages qualified female candidates to apply. To make the working environment more attractive to working mothers a day-care centre is provided for pre-school children. Trans-portation facilities and a cafeteria are also available.

      Interested persons should apply with complete bio data and names and contact address of three referees to the following address by the deadline specified in the TORs.

      Personnel Section

      email: [email protected]

      ICIMOD, Jawalakhel, GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal

      Fax: (977-1) 524509/536747

      Please refer to the application guidelines http://www.icimod.org/whats_new/vacancies/vacancy_guide.htm

      If you do not have access to or have difficulty accessing the web, you may write to [email protected] and you will be sent the terms of reference and application guidelines by email.

      Please feel free to publish this announcement on appropriate bulletin boards, and we would appreciate it of you dis-seminated it to friends and colleagues who have no access to email and the Internet.
