Home Environment Protection China News Service (2000-06-21)

Tibetan officials emphasizing environment construction in Tibet

( Abstract )

Tibet EPA director recently pointed out that protecting the environment in Tibet would be a strategic step for the success of western China development. 86.1% of the land in Tibet are located 4000 meters above the sea level. The environment damage is irreversible once it happens up there. Despite the great attention attached by the government to the environment, Tibet has carried a big "environment debt". Until now there is no wastewater treatment plant or a hazard-free solid waste treatment plant in Tibet.

In talking about the main environment problems facing Tibet, the EPA director mentioned three: low-efficient economic growth in conflict with the limited environment carrying capacity; ecological degradation as result of tension between the short-term and long-term interests; and inadequate environment management capacity of the local government...

Tibet is rich in biodiversity. It has 125 wild animal species and 39 wild plant species, which are protected by the state. However, illegal hunting and harvesting are seriously endangering these rare species. In addition, Tibet has natural pastures of 81 million hectares rich in grass varieties. However, the grassland degradation has affected more than 11 million hectares. Therefore, it is really an urgent task to protect the ecological environment of Tibet...

In other subjects: Ecological Systems
Ecological Construction
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