Home Environment Protection People's Daily (2000-04-19)

Noise, dusts, photo smoke and cooking smoke
around concern of the society

( Abstract )

Since the first environment law consulting hot line was opened last November, the consulting center of the China University of Politics and Laws receives more than a dozen phone calls from all over China to complain about noise, photo smokes and cooking smokes citizens are experiencing every day. The sources of these pollutants are small restaurants, remodeling in the residential buildings, and wastes discharged into the canals or rivers causing water pollution.

SEPA's correspondence office receives the more than 100,000 letters every year complaining about the effects of the environment pollution. The lawyers and legal experts encourage the citizens to take legal measures to get their suffering cases resolved...

At present, the investment made in the environment protection in China totals 0.8% of GNP, far from the standard (1.5%). Taking legal measures against pollution will promote the practice of environment protection laws in China...

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