Home Environment Protection Science and Technology Daily (2000-03-28)

Certain laws needed in lead recycling

( Abstract )

The most important problem that needs to be solved immediately is how to recycle lead with high technology and reduce pollution. First, recycling can fully use the lead wasters and cut down the exploitation. Most of the lead mines in our country are difficult to exploit. Second, recycling can largely save the energy used in abstracting. Lead is harmful to human's health, only recycling can solve this problem. Today, more than 85% of lead recycling resource is from waste batteries, and 50% of recycled lead is reused by battery manufacturing. So getting lead from waste batteries is very important for our lead industry. But the battery recycling is less than 90%, lead wasting is still very severe. Comparing with foreign countries, there is still a long way to go in our lead industry, and certain legislation should be settled.

In other subjects: Waste Management: Disposal/Treatment: Recycling
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