Home Environment Protection Science and Technology Daily (2000-01-31)

Environment risk is intensifying in the new century
Experts pointed six types of risks

( Abstract )

Scientific consulting commission on global climate change of the German federal government pointed out six types of environment risks:

1. The risks of those events that unlike happen but would cause tremendous loss once they happen, e.g. nuclear accidents. The main counter-measure is to establish warning and forecasting systems and disasters management systems.

2. The risks of those events that have warning signals before hand but have long-term impacts on the environment which are often unclear, e.g. pollution of underground water, use of pesticides or hormone. The main counter-measure is to develop substitutes and control the pollution.

3. The risks of those events that are difficult to predict but whose impacts are not difficult to be estimated, e.g. earthquake, volcano or flooding. The main counter-measure is to establish global warning systems and international relief force, improve the disasters prevention system and reinforce the research of disasters.

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