Home Environment Protection: Government Activities South China News (2001-04-20)

Hainan's total population is 7.8675 million

( Abstract )

China's fifth population census shows that the population of Hainan Province reaches 7.8675 million, increasing 1.3094 million or 19.97% more the last census. Of them the urban population is 3.1557 million and the rural population is 4.7118 million.

The census result states that of the provincial population, 249,100 have received collage education, 982,700 are at senior middle school education, 2.5571 million are at the level of junior middle school education and 2.7068 million have received primary school education. The illiterate population is 549,500 (including those at the age of 15 and above learn nothing or a little words.)

In other subjects: Population: Demographic Transition
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