Home Environment Protection: Environmental Ethnics Market News (2001-02-10)

Refusing the utilization of disposable chopsticks

( Abstract )

Disposable chopsticks have been known as sanitation and comfortable chopsticks. They are the production of a certain stage for quickening the human social living rhythm and the development of social service. It has been regarded to be a sign for civilization. Now the production of them is a brutal plundering. The storage and transport accompany with the pollution. The using of them is unclear and a waste. A 20-year-old tree can produce 6,000-8,000 pairs of chopsticks. Every year China produces 10 million boxes of disposable chopsticks. Of them 6 million boxes are shipped into Japan and the Republic of Korea... Because of this, we advocated for refusing to use the disposable chopsticks and the wooden pencils during the studying and working.

In other subjects: Public Health
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