Home Economy and Environment Beijing Daily (2001-03-07)

Zeng Peiyan made a report at the
Fourth Session of the Ninth NPC

( Abstract )

Zeng Peiyan, director of the State Development Planning Commission made a speech today on the fourth session of the Ninth National People's Congress. He put forward the adjustment target of economic and social development and major tasks this year...

Zeng pointed out that this year the major expect goals of economic and social development are: Economic growth rate is 7%; the increase of social capital asserts and investment is over 10%; residential consumption price goes up 1-2%; the import volume increases 8%; the central financial deficit is RMB259.8 billion; the currency distribution is within RMB150 billion; the urban registered unemployment will control below 4%; and the population natural growth rate will be within 10бы.

He also brought forward the major tasks on 2001 national economic and social development in nine aspects...

In other subjects: Economy and Environment: Development Planning
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