Home Disasters: Tornado East China News (2002-04-11)

Shangrao suffers from the biggest gale and storm

( Abstract )

In Jiangxi Province, Shangrao City recently suffered from the biggest gale and storm. The disaster also attacked Guangfeng, Shangrao and Boyang counties differently and the direct economic loss is RMB95 million.

On April 5, especially big violent storm hit Boyang County. At over 100 villages of 13 townships, 3,000 hectares of crops and 150,000 people suffered from it. 2,300 houses damaged differently and 350 persons were injured. In the evening of March 20, the cyclone and hail hit Guangfeng and Shangrao counties with 2 deaths, 36 injured and 10,000 farmer households suffered from the disaster...

In other subjects: Disasters: Hail
Disasters: Sand Storm
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