Home Disasters: Pest Beijing Youth Daily (2002-08-28)

Natural enemies will be produced for treating pests of trees in Beijing by 2005

( Abstract )

Yesterday the municipal bureau of forestry of Beijing revealed that in the first half this year, the city has 15,873 hectares of woods to kill pests and cure diseases by pesticide and that occupies 75.88% of the total area for pest and disease prevention and control. It was introduced that until 2005, Beijing's wood biological prevention area will be over 90% of the total. If it is not necessary, no pesticide will be employed for the forest...

The establishment of Beijing Forestry Biological Prevention Center is closely related with the speedy increase of using natural enemies and pest killing microbiology. Before 2005, the project of biological prevention center will be completed in construction and 600 million natural enemies can be produced...

In other subjects: Ecological Construction: Vegetation: Natural Forest
Ecological Construction: Government Action
Disasters Reduction
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