Home Disasters: Pest People's Daily (2000-06-26)

The locust control effort

( Abstract )

Since this summer, locust disaster occurred in 8 province and 100 counties. This is a major threat to agriculture production. The average density of locust is 1000 per square meter, and the highest is 5000.

On June 2, Ministry of Agriculture sent urgent telex to the affected provinces to control the locusts. The actions have been taken in Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Tianjin, Xinjiang...

According to the report from the National Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, the summer locusts happened to more than 3.33 million hectares. Along with the intensification of drought, the tendency of expanding has not been halted. At present, the control of flying locusts has reached more than 266,000 hectares, 40% of the total, and control of non-flying locusts reached more than 533,000 hectares. The situation is still serious...

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